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Celebrating One Year of Sobriety: A Journey of Transformation and Accountability

Updated: Mar 23

One year ago today, I embarked on a journey that has profoundly reshaped my life in countless ways. Today, as I celebrate my one-year anniversary of living alcohol-free, I reflect not only on the personal growth I've experienced but also on the significant transformations that have occurred in my life. Living in Baja Mexico, amidst a culture where celebration is a daily occurrence and it's always seen as "5 o'clock somewhere," my path to sobriety has been uniquely challenging yet immensely rewarding.

Navigating Life's Changes with Sobriety

This past year has been a period of intense change. Alongside the challenge of maintaining sobriety, I've faced the dissolution of my long-term relationship and found myself starting anew with next to nothing. Many friends have fallen away, leaving me to navigate these waters largely on my own. Yet, this pattern of starting over is something I now recognize, own, and am actively healing from. It has taught me the importance of accountability in my healing process. We may not be responsible for the trauma we experience, but we are indeed 100% responsible for our healing.

A New Perspective on Healing and Trauma

In an era where spiritual and wellness buzzwords often dilute the reality of our experiences, I want to offer a grounded perspective on trauma and healing. Trauma is trauma—raw, real, and often deeply ingrained in our beings. The journey to healing isn't about erasing what happened or glossing over it with catchy phrases. Instead, it's about healing our resistance to the experiences we've endured and addressing the dysregulation in our nervous system. It's about recognizing that suffering often stems from the gap between reality and our expectations or beliefs about how things 'should be'.

Leveraging Life Coaching, Yoga, and Sound Healing in My Healing Journey

My background as a monk, life coaching, yoga, and sound and energy healing has been instrumental in navigating my sobriety and the broader changes in my life. Having recently completed my life coaching certification, I've gained invaluable tools to support not only my journey but also to assist others in achieving their goals, be it for better health, enriched relationships, or finding inner peace. As a yoga teacher and sound healer, my practice has deepened, allowing me to connect with and guide others more effectively. Sobriety has brought clarity and authenticity to my life, enhancing my ability to be a more impactful coach and healer.

A Call to Connection and Support

For anyone feeling the weight of their trauma or contemplating a journey toward sobriety, know that you're not alone. The path can be daunting, especially within a culture that leans heavily on alcohol for celebration. Yet, the rewards of such a journey—clarity, improved health, deeper connections—are immense. If you're curious about how life coaching, yoga, or sound healing can support your journey, or if you simply seek a space to be heard, I invite you to reach out. Email me at to chat or book a free discovery call.

As I look back on this year, I'm filled with gratitude for every lesson and connection. Living alcohol-free in Baja Mexico has underscored that true celebration and joy come from moments of clarity and connection with ourselves and others. Here's to continuing this journey of sobriety, growth, and guiding others on their path to wellness, grounded in reality and a deep commitment to healing.

Deborah xo

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